We need your prayers
The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) is conducting an inquiry into religious schooling, and a consultation paper just released indicates an intention to place severe limitations on the ability of Catholic and other faith-based schools to provide an authentic, faith-filled education. Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP describes the proposed changes as “the biggest threat to religious schooling in a generation”.
The proposed changes will have catastrophic consequences on staffing, enrolments and curriculum in our schools, colleges and institutions. Of grave concern is that the Human Rights Commission will have the power to inquire into systemic unlawful discrimination on LBGTI issues at any faith based educational institution. We must be compassionate to those who do not share our beliefs and work together in an endeavour to ensure each individual be treated with dignity, however the changes being considered are unprecedented in Australia.
Our Social Questions Committee members have been monitoring and researching the situation. They have recommended a prayer campaign. Click here for the prayer.
Australian faith leaders have written an open letter to The Hon Mark Dreyfus MP, Attorney-General of Australia, protesting the ALRC Consultation Paper. Click here to read letter dated 13 Feb 2023.
More information on the topic and suggestions to express your views via a survey and a submission to the ALRC: Religious freedom – National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC): Australia’s Peak Catholic Education Body

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